Don't spend the thousands of dollars it costs to replace your roof when you can use a gas pressure washer to blast the moss and lichen away to reveal that your roof is still perfectly fine.
Pressure washing your roof will effectively remove several years worth of grime, but be careful. When moss gets wet, it gets slick. Working on your roof can be very dangerous, and the last thing you want to do is fall off.
The first thing you want to do is make sure you're using the proper spray tip. Blasting full-power on your shingles can cause damage by blasting away the granules that protect it.
I recommend that you begin with a medium pressure spray pattern and adjust accordingly. Aim the pressure washer toward the bottom of the roof to avoid spraying water under the shingles where it can leak into your home.
Keep the tip of the wand at least one foot from the surface when you begin, and clean only a few shingles at a time. Should you need more power on a tough spot, slowly move the wand closer to the surface. Be sure as you're doing this to continuously be inspecting the roof to make sure you're not causing any damage.
Be sure you always stand on a dry area so you maintain traction. Minimize the amount of steps you take and don't drag your feet or you may scrape off more granules.
Remember these tips and always put safety first, and you'll have a freshly cleaned roof in no time!